It was great to see everyone last weekend at KNBK European Gasshuku in Wetteren.
We did basic waza in the morning (kamae, cutting, happo giri and the basic elements like te no uchi, nukitsuke, furi kaburi, kirioroshi, chiburi and noto. After lunch we did Omori ryu 1 to 8.
On Saturday we revised the previous days Omori Ryu and then finished the series. After lunch, we worked on the Tachi Uchi No Kata and then started the Batto ho Shoden Waza. Well done for everyone who took and passed a test during lunch!

Sunday was finishing off Battoho and Okuden waza and then Kumitachi.
It was a great weekend with all the KNBK European family and it is great to see member attendance grow. I came away with lots of details to work on back at the dojo. Look forward out seeing everyone again at another event across Europe.
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